Monday, July 7, 2008

You Rock, Rock.

We're in the Rockies! Two days ago, we did Cameron Pass. Yesterday, we did Muddy Pass and Rabbit Ears Pass. It was hard. However, we did get to pee right on the continental divide. We made the 7 mile descent from Rabbit Ears to Steamboat Springs in about 15 extremely downhill minutes, with the mountain to our right and a sheer cliff looking out on the gorgeous valley on our left. Best. Ride. Ever. Also, terrifying.

Expressing the beauty of our surroundings right now is kind of impossible. Hopefully we'll be able to get some pictures up one day.


Celeste said...

I miss you folks. I'm so proud of you all! Here is me sending lots of love and a nice smooth tail wind. <3

Anonymous said...

clearly, google maps is not always to be trusted; it would be wicked hot if you guys did go 908 miles in 15 minutes.

A Needed Twist said...

אזה יופי!! כל הכבד לכלם!

You guys are still going...incredible. Every time I pass a cyclist here, I think of you. I can't wait to see your pictures, especially of Colorado.

This Sunday I'm singing in the Tel Aviv opera house, and on Tuesday I'm headed to the north of the country to pick grapes. It's a much slower alternative to cycling, but should be fun.

Keep up the great energy!