Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 2!

Today we got onto route 4 and had to deal with headwinds and semis. Fun stuff! We're in Richwood, OH and about to go to bed; we're really tired. Right now we're still figuring out how to schedule our day right so we ride at the coolest parts of the day and still have time to sleep and chill out. Tomorrow we are doing a workshop at 6:30 at the Living Green store in Yellow Springs, OH. It will be on passive solar heating and vermiculture!

P.S. Every time we stop for water, Ben finds us tasty plants to eat. We are all slowly picking up foraging skills.

P.S.S. This trip funded by Campus Progress!


PeakEngineer said...

I attended your workshop on Friday and wrote you up on my blog here:

Good luck with the rest of your trip!

notryjustdo said...

Love the blog! Keep us posted on your exciting adventure!

Family of One Big Bike Movement (aka JKR et al.)